““Nuestro sol se ha ido” (Our sun has gone) The mural brings together two indigenous cultures from Canada and Oaxaca and the cultural commonalities they share, such as creation myths and their continued relevance in contemporary society. The mural depicts indigenous mythological beings who are responsible for the natural elements we witness on Earth. In Anishinaabe culture, thunderbirds are majestic, bird-like creatures that reside in the sky and are responsible for thunder and lightning. The sound of thunder comes from the flapping of their huge wings as they fly across the sky and the illumination is the flashing of their glowing eyes. On the far right, Cocijo, Zapotec deity of thunder. The myth says that Cocijo created all things in the world with his breath. The concept of life is represented with the element of Lightning, since with it is the rain and therefore the water are associated, both essential to develop life. Sharing this similarity with almost all the cultures of the world, as native American peoples, this makes us think that there should be more empathy between the different communities of the world and start thinking of coexistence beyond the superficial.
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